Exposure received significant recognition for its design work in 2024, winning several prestigious awards. These honors included Excellence Awards from the Connecticut Art Directors Club (CADC) and inclusion in the LogoLounge Book Series. These awards highlight Exposure's commitment to innovation and excellence in design.
LogoLounge is the world’s premier online logo showcase, with a member base of 20,000+ designers from 68 countries.
Thousands of designers across the globe compete to make it into the iconic LogoLounge Book Series. Winning logos are chosen by a panel of logo design experts and compiled and organized into the book, published both in print and digitally.
This year, two logos created by Exposure were chosen for inclusion in LogoLounge Book 14.
Warner Theatre Logo
The Hollow Logo
Connecticut Art Directors Club (CADC)
On June 25, 2024, the Connecticut Art Directors Club (CADC) hosted its 48th annual awards show, honoring excellence in eight main categories: advertising, environmental design, graphic design, illustration, online/interactive, photography, student, and video. Exposure won two awards.
Youth Recovery CT Logo
In the Trademark/Logo/Identity category, Exposure won an Excellence award for the logo it created for Youth Recovery CT.
The Kate Website
In the Cultural & Educational Websites category, Exposure won an Excellence award for the website it developed for The Kate.