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<span>Our 10 Most-Read</span> Digital Marketing Blogs of 2018

Our 10 Most-Read Digital Marketing Blogs of 2018

At Web Solutions, we consider it an important part of our job to share what we know about digital marketing, web design, and marketing strategy with our clients and the digital marketing community. Tactics, technology, and best-practices in the marketing industry evolve at a pretty rapid pace, so we're constantly learning and passing our knowledge on to you!

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<span>4 Ways to Get Your Brand Noticed</span> with Awareness Marketing

4 Ways to Get Your Brand Noticed with Awareness Marketing

If a potential customer has never heard of your brand, company or product, chances are low they'll ever make a purchase from you. While a sale is the ultimate goal for any business, the first step is making potential customers aware of who you are and what you have to offer.

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How Having a Purpose Can Build Your Business

How Having a Purpose Can Build Your Business

Your company probably has a mission statement, hopefully a brand personality and brand values, maybe a vision statement and a brand promise. But does it have a brand purpose? Increasingly, brand purpose is becoming a more important, and more common, way to set your business apart from the competition.

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<span>How Print Fits</span> Into Your Modern Marketing Plan

How Print Fits Into Your Modern Marketing Plan

In today’s marketing world, web is the most effective solution for efficiently getting a message out to the masses. But still, nothing quite measures up to the tangible and personal experience of holding and reading a well-executed printed work.

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Branding in the Age of Social Media

Branding in the Age of Social Media

A brand is a customer experience represented by a collection of images and ideas. Brand recognition and loyalty are created by a customer’s accumulation of experiences with a specific product or service, both directly relating to its use, and through the influence of advertising, design, and media commentary.

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